Wednesday 30 May 2012

La Ruchotte, Bligny Sur Ouche, France

I am following the lead of Raymond Blanc and have booked lunch at a tiny farm in Bourgogne on Sunday.  Never has the term 'middle of nowhere' been more applicable, as the farm is set deep in the French countryside, without even a sign outside to indicate the declicious on offer within.

Booking La Ruchotte has been interesting to say the least, involving several emails (in French), and payment of a 30 Euro deposit.  No menu is on offer in advance - the chef cooks whatever is available on the farm (so I'm guessing we don't neeed to worry about my shellfish allergy...).  It's open for lunch only on Saturdays and Sundays and only takes 24 or so people round a big farmhouse table - so I'm hoping they don't mind having small children in the mix.  There's only so much colouring in little people can do before they get antsy.  But it will be delicieux I'm sure - and a very good, and very french way to start our half term holiday...

Monday 28 May 2012

Beautiful Evora

I'm planning to visit Portugal this summer.  Never been before and we're planning a few days in beautiful Evora, before heading to Lisbon.  The latest Conde Nast Traveller carries a great feature on the town.  The M'ar De AR Aqueduto is where we're headed - within the city walls, outdoor pool and excellent trip advisor reviews.  They seem to provide little golf buggys so you and your family can tootle around town, which is rather cool.  Looking forward to trying out the Portugese tapas in the tiny bar of Botequim da Mouraria, which everyone raves about.  Apparently the owner Domingos is reason enough to go, never mind the excellent food and wine on offer.

Take a seat

It's a scandal (with a small 's') that many hire companies will not 100% guarantee child car seats for your journey when travelling.  But it's not like you can drive away legally with the kids jumping around like frogs in the back.  Worrying about the lack of seats always make me rush through the airport in a quivering funk to the car hire counter, only to find a stream of other parents there with the same idea.  Surely it should be made a legal requirement to provide a child a seat - it's bad enough negotiating the traffic in Paris, Rome, or Athens without worrying about your nearest and dearest falling out of the window of a moving car.  I was once contacted by a journalist about a feature he was writing on this, sadly though, the effect of this campaign seems to be a resounding nul points.  Must try harder.

Sunday 27 May 2012


I have booked quite a bit of my next break to France via airbnb.  We've booked a huge apartment right beside the Eiffel Tower for about the half the price of a hotel room in the area, especially good value when you need two bedrooms, and the Frenchhotel system doesn't seem to understand the concept of 'family suites.'  The owners of the luxurious apartment were understandably nervous and asking lots of questions, but having established we're respectable enough, all is now set and ready to go.  The concept is good, but it's based on trust, and it is kind of wierd living in someone else's home - and with small kids you do tend to feel a bit paranoid about everything.  Nevertheless it's so good to have your own space and live like a local for a bit.

Planning to go visit Pink Flamingo for pizza when in Paris - dinner by the Canal St Martin sounds rather lovely.

Missing Montana

I am a little melancholy because this time last year I was getting ready for a month long family trip to the USA.  Months of planning, (don't even think about expense) and massive amounts of preparation for the kids first long holiday overseas.  Lots of highlights to share, but one in particular to share.  We spent 3 nights glamping at Paws Up in Montana.  Cattle round up in the Montana wilderness on a Mustang?  Doesn't get any better.  Meanwhile the kids painted a real horse and made indian headgear on the Kids Corp.

I literally cried when we left.  Beating that last summer holiday won't be easy.  Anyhow, this little blog, is really all about my musings on travel.  I'm constantly to be found with my nose in a travel book, magazine, or website, and I thought I'd start posting my thoughts and observations on what I've found.  Maybe it will inspire others too.